First Steps:

Students are accepted based upon the initial assessment and/or consultation with staff, and approval by the director. Feel free to contact us for consultation and assessment session.
During the initial assessment parents will be asked to fill out a registration form. For your convenience the form is available here to download, print and complete before you arrive. Click the PDF icon to download now.
During the initial assessment parents will be asked to fill out a registration form. For your convenience the form is available here to download, print and complete before you arrive. Click the PDF icon to download now.
What to Expect?
A battery of developmental tests is administered to each child.
- Assessments are standardized norm-referenced tests.
- Competency based checklists, which examine the child’s performance.
Each Individual Prescriptive Program (IPP) can include the development of any of the following:
- Self-Esteem
- Attention Span
- Social Skills
- Language Facilitation
- Manipulative – Fine Motor Skills
- Handwriting Skills
- Gross Motor Skills used in play
- Physical Education and Sports
- Balance
- Ocular Motor Control
- Sensory Processing Skills
- Motor Planning
- Integration of the Primitive Postural Reflexes
- Facilitation of the Righting and Equilibrium Reactions
- Vestibular System